Business Architecture Diagrams

You may find the following useful if you want to decide what kind of diagrams you want to use for business architecture.

We got interested in this problem because we wanted a structured way to choose what kind of diagram to use.

The solution concept was to classify the types on diagrams that we used most commonly by level of detail and on a scale of user centricity vs abstraction:

Comparing the extremes, we have the User Journey as the most user centric type and the BPMN Diagram and the Event Storming Board as the most abstract.

The Domain Message Flow Diagram can be useful in a business context as it’s like an Event Storming Board but typically more detailed and more abstract at the component level, so it can be helpful for working out constraints to inform BDD scenario generation. This is probably going to be done by data and application specialists rather than business people though, so it’s not really a stand alone business architecture artefact and we’ve greyed it out in the diagram.

Use cases can be at a range of levels of detail and degrees of abstraction, so that’s the biggest area on the diagram.

The Domain Storytelling Canvas is in a central area between Use Case and User Journey,